domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

The Fox and the Falling Leaves

Fletcher es un bonito zorro que al que le preocupa la caída de las hojas de su árbol favorito.
El pobre Fletcher está tan preocupado que no puede dejar de pensar en su pobre árbol y por qué pierde sus hojas.

Finalmente, descubrirá que es algo natural que forma parte de las estaciones del año.

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Cuentos en inglés para niños con Greenman and The Magic Forest: Nivel Starter, U0 – The Magic Forest

Bienvenido al bosque mágico de Greenman & the Magic Forest, el curso de inglés para infantil de Cambridge University Press! En este cuento, la familia de Sam se está mudando a la casa de al lado de la de Nico, ¡y su perro descubre una reja secreta en el jardín que conduce al bosque mágico. Vuestro hijo aprenderá cómo presentarse en inglés (Hello, I’m (Sam). What’s your name?) y los nombres de los personajes principales de los cuentos (Greenman, Sam, Nico, Rabbit, Hedgehog, Frog, Stella). Si quieres ver el texto completo mientras disfrutas del cuento con tu hijo, activa la opción de subtítulos. Para más información sobre nuestros cursos y recursos en inglés, visita:

The Alphabet Chant + More | ABC Songs | Super Simple Songs

Learn the ABCs with The Alphabet Chant plus a few more of our favorite ABCD songs and chants!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See Read Aloud

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is a children's picture book published in 1967. Written and illustrated by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle, the book is designed to help toddlers associate colors and meanings to objects.

The gentle rhyming and gorgeous, tissue-paper collage illustrations in this classic picture book sang by Greg and Steve, illustrated by Eric Carle, author by Bill Martin Jr., and video by Simitri Crane make it a dog-eared favorite on many children's YouTube sites.

sábado, 27 de enero de 2018


This FIESTIKIDS video shows children the different parts of a plant in a fun and entertaining way, with animation and music to draw their attention, hope you like it! great for preschool kids.

Photosynthesis. Do you know how plants make their own food? Plants prepare their own food by a process called photosynthesis. Photo is the Greek word for light and synthesis is the Greek word for putting together. Plants need sunlight, carbon dioxide from air and water from soil to prepare their own food. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of a plant. Leaves have tiny pores called stomata through which carbon dioxide enters the plant. Plant cells contains tiny structures called chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. Carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll get converted into glucose and oxygen. Oxygen then leaves the plant through the stomata. Glucose gives nourishment to the plant. The extra glucose produced is stored by the plant in the form of starch for later use. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants prepare their own food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Smart Learning for All.



The Seed from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.