jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022

The Superpower of Humour. | Judy Croon

 Humour is a gift.

Stress is a major cause of most illnesses, and humour is an amazing way to relieve it. Studies have shown that when we are stressed, our brain shrinks. However when we laugh, we relax; and when we relax, we learn. Humour helps to fight stress and keep a positive attitude -especially, in the face of change. Humour helps us lead healthier, happier and perhaps, even longer lives. Judy is a comedian, motivational speaker, radio host, Second City stand up coach and author. She has worked with many celebrities including; John Cleese, Jon Stewart and Joan Rivers. Her specials have appeared on NBC, CBS, CTV and The Comedy Network. She is a co-author of ‘From the Stage to the Page: Life Lessons from Four Funny Ladies!” Judy draws from her standup performance experience to entertain, inform and inspire in her dynamic keynote entitled, ‘The Superpower of Humour’. She is a regular volunteer with City Street Outreach – a program that feeds Toronto’s homeless and needy.

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