domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021

Repensar la tecnología desde el cuerpo | Inés Bebea & Ondula Org | TEDxUNebrija

 Es una reflexión acerca de la digitalización de cada área de la vida como solución a los problemas actuales y una invitación a escuchar qué dice el cuerpo acerca de esta nueva forma de vivir, de trabajar, de vincularse, de consumir, de ser.

Cada vez más conectados, mientras la vida pasa. El cuerpo es sabio y puede liberar a la mente, enganchada a las notificaciones en la pantalla. También puede ayudar a comprender qué está pasando en realidad. Inés Bebea González is a telecommunications engineer, a master's degree in educational innovation and a social theater actress. She is also the founder of undula, a non-profit association, which is aimed at promoting critical thinking in the use of digital technologies, applying the potential of artistic creation to understand and transform the world... also in the technological field. Currently, he gives informative talks, courses and workshops, and accompanies social entities in digitization processes consistent with their social and ethical values. The performance included in this presentation is carried out by a working group linked to the Ondula Association and the Art Laboratory for the Social Transformation of the Metaphore Hall, made up of professionals in education and engineering, That today they are transformed into dancers and actresses to show us the fruit of a process of research and theatrical experimentation that has been carried out expressly for our participation in TEDxUnebrija

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